Protection can be defined as the act or condition of being protected. It is considered as of one the main essential requirements of human beings where there is nothing worse than having them attacked by a predator. Most of the people living in the rural parts of the countries spend their lifetime in investing on the livestock, cattle, farm animals where the problem arises to keep them alive with all sorts of wild, nocturnal and lurking predators which are set on the loose. They are many people who love raising chickens and owning their chicken brood for the purpose of having fresh eggs, but this can usually cause a lot of problem to people who want to safeguard livestock at home. Taking care of them and keeping them alive is a difficult task as chicken cannot take care of themselves and they become easy prey to wild predators. Therefore several steps should be taken to make sure that they are kept healthy and alive.
In the olden era shepherd dogs were considered to be the most effective form of protection since these watch dogs with their instinct can manage to protect the livestock, cattle, farm animals effectively. The normal routine of that time were that immediately after sunset, shepherd dogs were set loose from their chains and allowed to roam freely so that they can sense the dangerous animals in the vicinity and can alert their owners.
Animal electric fence can be a good option where a cage enclosure made of wire or metal bars in which birds are kept are run with an electric wire run around the bottom of the coop so that the digging predators cannot get in. A steady chicken coop can provide necessary protection to the chickens. Next thing is to install a
predator preventer, an electronic device which can keep the predators at bay during the day and night.These electronic gadgets are freely available in the open market since there are innumerable numbers of manufacturers producing these devices.
Although Deer is considered to be a docile animal in the wild, they can provide needless disturbance in the field and can ruin the farm produce. This can create lot of losses; therefore there are natural deer deterrent devices which can prevent against troublesome predators.The deer deterrent for gardens depends upon the deer density in your area, where they are several manual methods to control deer damage include: Using scare devices, fencing, chemical spray repellents and frightening devices.
The present age of electronics has brought about several innovative electronic animal deterrent devices which have solar power system that ensures we save energy driving the wild animals and predators away.
The main features of predator prevention system comprises of red LED lights which bear resemblance to predator eyes which are activated during night time. Powerful alarming system which turn on when the predators remain in the premises for more than 5 seconds and goes off as soon as they leave the premises and away from the vicinity of the protected area.Weather resistant so that you do not have to worry about safeguarding this device during harsh weather conditions.
Investing into these electronic gadgets would be a smart idea which is going to help in the long run.These units comes with solar powered, weather proof, easy installation, portable design, safe and effective which can also protect the inmates of the house from the wild and ferocious animals. Therefore, these predator prevention device acts as a defence system to protect pet, livestock, garden (vegetable and flowers) and property.