Acne is one of the toughest problems to control, as they occur suddenly, and then leave behind ugly scars in the face. It is often tempting to pick at the blemishes, and this causes scars to occur. Zits are infected with yellowish pus that makes the area sore, and reddish. Never feel or think, my condition is so bad, it can't be solved. Some of the different types of acne are discussed below.
Hypertrophic scars are red and thick, and are very painful to touch. They make the face look awful, as they keep on thickening its boundary for a period of 6 months or so. They are also very itchy. Box car scars are oval in shape and look like chickenpox scars. It leaves the skin with a sunken area. These are oval in shape with steepened sides. Rolling scars occur as a result of tethering of skin to the tissue below. This leads to a rolling appearance, hence the name. The problem with this type of scars is that the conventional treatments rarely work on these, and require other sophisticated forms of acne treatment. If you have these, do not neglect, and immediately go for expert help. The last type is called ice pick scars. These are the most annoying type of scars, as they area swells up, and give the face a horrible look. These are characterized by crater looking pits in the area.
Now the question is there a way in which the problem of acne can be eradicated for once and for all? The answer is, yes. But people most often go for the quick fix methods that take care of the problem for only a few days. An advice would be to stop wasting your money, and go see a dermatologist. A number of acne solutions come for an affordable price, and there are also some natural acne treatment that produce satisfactory results.