Fundamentally, all types of framing are based on four important decisions that you will have to make such as – the frame, the color matting, the mounting or backing material, and the glass. Each of these components has only one of its kind personalities that are helpful in understanding when buying a frame.
The Frame: The frames used for picture framing are made of either metal or wood. If you prefer a warmer and inviting look, you should go for a wooden frame. Wooden frames have a conventional look, are attractive, and enhance some specific types of artwork like paintings, bright color photograph, or an heirloom piece. The metal frames having straight edges and sharp corners, have propensity to stand for bold contemporary and industrial look. Black and white photography and other modern media look extraordinary in metal frames.
The Mat Boards: The selection of matting requires you to consider three decisions – the grade, the number of layers, and the choice of color. The grade of mat is based on its acidity level, the lesser is better. Number of layer refers to the number of mats and color, which can be any color that enhances the picture to be displayed.
Mounting Board: Mounting board is the third important thing in picture framing. It is sometimes called the foam board and forms the back of the frame to which artwork is attached.
Glass or Glazing: The last step in framing is the type of glass, or glazing to your frame that is the cover that protects your art. These are available in different qualities such as acrylic, anti-glare glazing, ultra violet protective, and a combination of both anti-glare and ultra violet reducing glazing.
About the author: This post has been written by Mardy Wright for Mahoneys Framing, Mahoneys framing is among the leading picture framing Melbourne shops with a legacy for the best quality picture and certificate framing. To find more information regarding their services click here.