There was a time years ago when tobacco products were believed to be cool and cigarette smoking was the in thing to do. Before the health risks of tobacco became known, almost everybody enjoyed smoking a cigarette.
As medical advances grew and tobacco studies revealed the smoking risks, tobacco products became a hot topic in the news. Those who smoked cigarettes were told they were at high risk for heart attack, stroke, emphysema, COPD, and lung cancer. Before long, the studies reached out to second hand smoke and the health risks of those around a smoker. No longer did the public just ignore those who smoked.
Tobacco and health are two things that do not go together. People must choose whether they want to be healthy or use tobacco products. With all of the warnings that doctors and health professionals give, using tobacco products will definitely have an adverse affect on your health. Most long-time smokers develop a chronic cough that never goes away as long as they continue to smoke. It is said that smoking destroys the sicilia in the lungs, making it easier for infection to develop. The sicilia is a type of hair that lines the lungs to protect them from foreign matter. When a person quits smoking these sicilia will grow back but it often takes many months. During the time they are growing back the quitter will continue to have an annoying cough.
Many states in America now require all restaurants to be non-smoking because of the health risks of second hand smoke. All other states must provide a separate eating area for those who wish to smoke. The same goes for motel/hotel rooms. The government requires owners to provide non-smoking rooms as well as smoking rooms. The smoking rooms must have separate ventilation so that non-smokers will not smell the smoke.
The largest health risk of tobacco is the risk of lung cancer. The carbon that enters the lungs when smokers inhale has a high risk of causing cancer. Once somebody is diagnosed with lung cancer they generally do not have long to live. Lung cancer is one of the most difficult types of cancer to treat and the outcome is usually grim.
The problem with smokers is the fact that tobacco products are addictive. Many reports state that tobacco addiction is one that is harder to break than cocaine addiction. People who smoke may try to quit many times without success. Smoking is not just an addiction to nicotine. It is also an addiction to using your hands. Many smokers have habits that develop such as drinking a cup of coffee and smoking. Many people grab for a cigarette the first thing when they arise in the morning. Others will light up when they get into their car. In an unconscious way they associate these things with their nicotine addiction.
Because the addiction is two-fold, smokers who try to quit cold turkey are the ones who have the least success. They find they must change their life and their habits entirely if they want to quit smoking or using tobacco products. For that reason smokers should seek other types of help if they wish to succeed.
Electric Cigarette Starter Kit - Why smoke and risk health problems when you can use the Premium Electronic Cigarette Pr110 starter kit and move towards a healthier, cooler lifestyle.
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